Once a customer has repaired their service line and provides proof of repair (i.e. plumber’s invoice, receipts for supplies from a hardware store). The Town Clerk will determine the appropriate payment arrangements for the customer based on the following criteria:
1. Payment arrangements can only be made in the name of the owner of the property. Cecil County Code requires landlords to maintain plumbing systems/water connections. Tenants should not be held financially responsible for service line leaks. Payments on a payment plan for a non-owner occupied property will only be accepted if they come from the owner of the property.
2. The customer must pay an amount equal to an average bill for the prior 4 quarters by the due date.
3. The customer must agree to make regular payments by a day of the month agreed to by the customer and the Town Clerk. (i.e. based on when the customer receives their paycheck)
4. The payment plan must include charges for all unbilled usage related to the leak. (i.e. a leak was discovered after a bill was mailed, in that case there is usage related to the leak that will be billed on the next quarter’s bill) In order to prevent having to enter into a second payment plan, all usage up to the date the leak was repaired will be included in the payment plan.
5. Payment plans will carry 0.00% interest and no additional late fees will be added to the account as long as the customer makes payments on time.
6. Customers will be expected to pay all current charges for future bills when they are due or the payment plan will be considered in default.
7. If a customer defaults on the payment plan (either missing a due date for a monthly payment or their regular quarterly bill), the customer will be mailed one courtesy notice giving them 7 days to cure the default. If they do not, their water service will be shut off and will not be restored until the account is paid in full. If there is a second missed or late payment water service will be terminated immediately and will not be restored until the account is paid in full. Additionally, a customer who defaults on a payment plan and is shut off will be assessed a shut-off fee.
8. If the property transfers before the payment plan is paid off, payment in full is due at the time of transfer.
9. Requests for a payment plan must be received at least 3 business days before the due date of the bill in order to allow time for Town staff to investigate the situation. Requests received after 3 days before the due date may be taken if there is enough time for Town staff to investigate the leak. Absolutely no payment plan will be offered if the customer does not request one prior to the due date. After the due date the bill must be paid in full to avoid having service shut off.