Real Property Tax Rates are adopted every year by the Mayor and Commissioners as part of their annual budget. Residents concerned about the tax rate should check the public notices section of this page or the legal advertisements in the Cecil Whig for dates and times of all budget related meetings. Meetings on the budget are usually held in May and June of each year.
The tax rate in effect for the Fiscal Year which runs from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 is $0.48 per $100 of assessed value.
Properties are assessed by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) every three years. The next assessment for the Town of North East is scheduled for 2018. Property owners concerned about the assessed value of their property must contact the local SDAT office in Elkton at (410) 996-2760.
Property Taxes for the Town of North East are mailed and collected by the Cecil County Office of Finance. Cecil County sends tax bills on July 1 each year and they are payable by September 30th each year (or half in September and half in December if the property is eligible for a semiannual payment). Residents who have concerns about their tax bill must contact the Cecil County Office of Finance at (410) 996-5385.