A separation or division of a municipality into districts. Zoning regulates building & structure location and uses and encourages development that maintains the character of neighborhoods, prevents overcrowding and provides guidance for future growth of the Town. Zoning is a tool used by governments to promote public health, safety and general welfare of citizens.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are setback requirements and where would I find them?
Setback requirement is the minimum required distance between the point where any structure or use on a lot meets the ground surface and any lot line or boundary of a public right of way. Article 5 of the North East Zoning Ordinance outlines the setback requirements for each Zoning District.
Is my property located in the Floodplain?
Please visit the Fema website at msc.fema.gov/portal, enter your address and follow directions.
What do I need to build (or replace) a deck, fence, garage, utility building (shed), driveway, addition, new commercial or residential structures, pool, walkway or sign?
Zoning Authorization Applications are required for: construction of a deck, garage, shed, driveway, addition, new commercial or residential structures, walkway or pool.
- Zoning Authorization Instructions. Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application. Click here
- Fence: Fence permit application. Click here
- Sign: Sign permit application. Click here
A Variance may be requested from the North East Board of Appeals if applicant is unable to meet height, depth, area and or setback requirements.
What if my project does not meet the setback regulations?
You may apply for a Variance with the North East Board of Appeals. A Variance application may be obtained under Applications & Permits section of this site. This application will have to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals and all neighboring residents and property owners will be notified by mail of the variance request. Additionally, a public notice will be published in the local newspaper to inform citizens that the application will be heard by the Board of Appeals. A legal opinion will be rendered by the Board of Appeals by the end of the public hearing.
- It is advised that you speak with the Planning Director before submitting the variance application as to prevent delays and unnecessary costs.
- See the Fee Schedule for application costs.
Can I get a Zoning Authorization Application online?
Yes, on this website under Applications & Permits or
- Zoning Authorization Application Instructions: Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application: Click here
What is the fee when submitting a Zoning Authorization Application?
The Town of North East Zoning Authorization Application fee is $35.00.
Can I start my construction project once I receive an approved Zoning Authorization Application from the Town?
No. Applicant/Owner shall pick up their approved Zoning Authorization package from the Town, and bring it to the Cecil County Department of Permits and Inspections, 200 Chesapeake Boulevard, Elkton, MD 21921 to apply for A Cecil County Building Permit. After the County has approved your submitted building permit application, you may commence with your construction project.
Can I start or open my business as soon as I receive Town approval of my Zoning Authorization Application?
No, upon receiving the approved Zoning Authorization Application from the Town the Applicant/Owner shall contact:
- Cecil County Department of Permits and Inspections at 410-996-5235 to inquire whether their agency needs a copy of the paperwork or whether a Cecil County Building Permit is required. Located at the Cecil County Administration Building, 200 Chesapeake Boulevard, Elkton, Maryland 21921.
- State of Maryland Licensing Department at 410-996-5380 to inquire whether the proposed use requires a Maryland State License, prior to opening. Located at Cecil County Courthouse, 129 East Main Street, Elkton, Maryland 21921.
Why does the County issue a building permit instead of the Town?
Cecil County Permits and Inspections enforces and monitors building/construction projects ensuring they adhere to the International Building Code. The Town enforces the North East Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations.
What projects or improvements can I do that do not require a Zoning Authorization Application?
There are some projects that will not require a Construction/Zoning Authorization (excluding all properties located within the 100 year floodplain) such as painting a house, replacing siding, replacing shingles on an existing roof, planting flowers/trees, and replacing doors and windows (provided the replacement is the same exact size). Please note, If your project alters either the inside or outside of an existing structure, changes the use of your property, expands the size of an existing structure, or a new structure is added, your project will require a Construction/Zoning Authorization to be submitted to the Town of North East.
- Zoning Authorization Application Instructions: Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application: Click here
What is a site plan?
A drawing or plat which describes and locates required improvements of a project or development tract in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.
What is a Special Exception?
A Special Exception is for a proposed use that would not be generally permitted by right throughout the zoning district but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity, or general welfare. Such uses may be permitted in such zoning districts as special exceptions, if specific provision for such special exceptions is made in this zoning ordinance.
- It is advised that you speak with the Planning Director before submitting the special exception application as to prevent delays and unnecessary costs.
- See the Fee Schedule for application costs.
- A Special Exception application may be obtained on this website under Applications & Permits.
What is an accessory structure and can I install one on my property?
View Article 3 for Definitions of Accessory Building according to the North East Zoning Ordinance.
To install an accessory building on your property you must apply for and receive approval of an approved Zoning Authorization Application from the Town of North East. After Town approval, you will need to apply for a Building permit through Cecil County Department of Permits and Inspections, 200 Chesapeake Boulevard, Elkton, MD 21921.
- Zoning Authorization Application Instructions: Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application: Click here
Setback regulations for an accessory building can be found in the North East Zoning Ordinance, Article 5: District Regulations.
What is a utility building and can I install one on my property?
View Article 6, Section 6-14 about Utility Buildings according to the North East Zoning Ordinance. To install a utility building on your property you must you must apply for and receive approval of an approved Zoning Authorization Application from the Town of North East. After Town approval, you will need to apply for a Building permit through Cecil County Department of Permits and Inspections, 200 Chesapeake Boulevard, Elkton, MD 21921.
- Zoning Authorization Application Instructions: Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application: Click here
Can I install a fence on my property?
View Article 6, Section 13 for Fence Regulations according to the North East Zoning Ordinance before submitting an application.
Can I install a sign on my property or business?
View Article 7 about Sign Regulations according to the North East Zoning Ordinance before filling out the application.
Are food carts and vendors permitted within the Town of North East?
Food carts are only permitted on private property, in applicable zoning districts, within the corporate limit of the Town of North East. Written permission from the property owner is required, in addition along with applicable approvals from owner of the property.
- A Zoning Authorization Application shall be submitted to the Town of North East, and subsequent approval is required from the Town, prior to opening.
- Zoning Authorization Application Instructions: Click here
- Zoning Authorization Application: Click here
- Applicant/owner shall contact the Health Department (410) 996-5550 to verify all requirements are satisfied prior to opening business.
- Applicant/owner shall contact Cecil County Department of Permits and Inspections, 200 Chesapeake Boulevard, Elkton, MD 21921, (410) 996-5235, to verify all requirements are satisfied prior to opening business.
- Applicant/Owner shall contact the State of Maryland Licensing Department at 410-996-5380 to inquire whether the proposed use requires a Maryland State License, prior to opening.
Why does the Town inspect properties within the Town of North East?
Inspections are performed by the Code Enforcement Officer within the corporate limit of the Town of North East, on a routine basis to verify compliance of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of North East. The most typical inspections are regarding the nuisance violations, verifying compliance of grass height, abandoned vehicles, junk and debris, unauthorized construction and/or building maintenance. The Town may also perform inspections to monitor construction projects, tree cutting and/or tree removal.
What are nuisance violations?
Nuisance Violations can be found on the Town of North East Code of Ordinances document.
Can I have backyard poultry or other livestock within the corporate limit of the Town of North East?
The Town of North East Code of Ordinances does not allow for poultry or livestock within the corporate limit of the Town.